OneStream - Predictive Analytics 123 - What do we get with this ?

Predictive Analytics 123 provides a forecast baseline based on historical data patterns. The solution cycles through multiple forecast methods based on Seasonality and Trend to determine the most accurate forecast. Predictive Analytics 123 creates and presents models to support forecasting, prediction, and what-if analysis to determine the most appropriate forecast scenario.

With this solution, an end-user of OneStream can administer, use and maintain predictive models without technical or data science expertise. Predictive forecasting can assist with:

  • The target setting process to support strategic planning and annual operating plans.
  • Create baseline predictive forecast scenarios for comparison against bottom-up, internal forecasting from divisional finance or operational business partners.
  • Automatically seed new forecasts with predictive models for annual operating plans and rolling forecasts.
  • Adjust baseline predictive forecasts with known business changes such as new customers, plant shutdowns, and new acquisitions.

In summary, Predictive Analytics simplifies, modernizes, and automates the planning and forecasting process enabling the necessary time needed for accurate insight and decision-making.


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